Day 10

I like to understand concepts and what certain codes do exactly. I felt like I needed a definition that I could clearly understand the code I am creating in Unity. I did some research on Google to get definitions for code words. Listed below are some of the codes I am learning about and their definitions.

Array- Used to collect variables in a more manageable form

Debug.Log- Log Assertion-string or object to be converted to string representation for display; Object to which the message applies. (Only for something you want to appear in the console)

Coroutine- a special type of function which stops the execution until the defining condition is met, and continue from the frame where it is left off. In a simplier word, we can say that it is a procedural function execution, which executes the function ahead when it’s define conditions are met.

Function- is a segment of code that executes an action and gives out a reply

Loops- “for loop” is a loop that runs for a present number of times. “while loop” is a loop that is repeated as long as an expression is true. An expression is a statement that has a value. A “do while” loop or repeat until loop repeats until an expression becomes false.

Method- a segment occurring as a series of statements and is executed upon initiation of arguments in the method

Switch Statements- Streamline conditionals; They are useful when you compare a single variable against a series of constants

Slow down!



Suzanne Shedletsky

I have always been timid of technology but now I am tackling it head on!